Saturday, April 13, 2013

aaah dah bop...

Storyville low light draped Billie one night only in Boston
This night
Round tables stacked standing room against the walls and the windows
From down the street the Herb Pomeroy band rushed in
Their break between sets timed to see Billie they
Ran in from the Jazz Workshop down the street down the street
1950s Lady
Low light
Her soul on teardrops drinks on tables
Prez sang his horn sumptuously sumptuously and she walked on stage
Low light
Black and White
"Prez," she glided then to the tables and chairs and walls pointed, "Lester Young... "
Aaah dah bop
And she whispered I Cover the Waterfront I'm watching the sea...
Cabs and horns streaks and Bird somewhere and Boots somewhere Buddy Bolden too
Aaah and Jack was there Jack was there too

Aaah dah bop