Sunday, January 3, 2010

ode to Gina by Jean...

A similar day 14 years before
A baby's cry in the early morn
No word no call and we did no know
The phone, my dear, was on no more

From a toddler to a teen today
And a princess cake to a Frog Pond skate
A carriage ride with lots of giggles
To a night where no sandman came

It's growing up that's hard for family
From a babe to a BABE and just somehow
The leprechauns dance with this in mind
For the Future is more than just a city
For this young lass is more than pretty

Her talent abounds not only in paint
But the written word is not a stranger to her
She strives for perfection and that is not hard
The challenges she takes and does perform
Whether it be in dance, art, song, and on...

You say, who is this gifted child?
I say it is Gina on this day to becoming
A lady in every way.